Cyber Security Company

 Computronix was one of only 100 cyber security companies that participated in a c ongressional conference on private technologies for Homeland Security.

• Anti-Virus
• Anti-Malware
• Anti-Spam
• Firewall Services
• Web & Content Filtering
• File / Email Security
• Backup / Disaster Recovery (Local-Onsite & Offsite-Cloud)
• Identity Security / Biometrics
• Multi-Factor Authentication Protocols  (“2FA”)
• Intrusion Detection / Penetration Testing


Enhance backup and recovery capabilities without investing in new infrastructure.


Business-critical data, systems, desktops, servers, and the entire infrastructure must be protected and recoverable.

With secure local virtualization solutions from Computronix TM , if disaster strikes, your entire infrastructure (physical or virtual) is virtualized instantly, empowering you to continue your business operations without losing any data, incurring any damage, or experiencing any downtime.


Disaster Recovery Services

Data backup, recovery and business continuity for local, virtual, and Cloud environments, Business-critical data, systems, desktops, servers


Cloud-to-Cloud Backup

Automatic backups ensure you can restore your cloud data no matter what happens to it: from malicious attacks to careless employees. Everything is backed up. Anything can be restored. No matter who did what or when


Ransomware Protection

Safeguard your business with a secret weapon in the war on cyber extortion. Computronix protects businesses and ensures control and ownership remain undisputed in cases of user error, malicious attacks, compliance issues, and user management.


Managed Spam Filter

NetCareTM   Managed Services  includes Managed spam filter (MSF) Service provides the most comprehensive solution to email threads on the market today. Our highly effective anti-spam engine guarantees email protection from span, viruses, Trojans, phishing attacks and other unwanted email content effectively.


Cyber ​​Security

Computronix can be an integral part of your security protocol.

·         Security Assessment

·         Spam Email

·         Passwords

·         Security Awareness

·         Advanced Endpoint Detection & Response

·         Multi-Factor Authentication

·         Computer Updates

·         Dark Web Research

·         SIEM / Log Management

·         Web Gateway Security

·         Mobile Device Security

·         Firewall

·         Encryption

·         Backup

What is Digital Forensics?

Digital Forensics Services by Computronix. Digital forensics is the process of uncovering and interpreting electronic data. The goal of the process is to preserve any evidence in its most original form while performing a structured investigation by collecting, identifying and validating the digital information for the purpose of reconstructing past events.

·         Digital Forensics Cases - Secure Data Recovery Services can gather and analyze evidence related to cases of employee misconduct, violations policy, IP theft and fraud business, corporate attacks hacking causes and damage assessments and more - and from any type of device or media including SIM cards, memory cards, peripherals, hard drives, SSDs, etc.


Importance of Cyber ​​Security 


Like most people, your business represents a means of livelihood upon which your family depends. 


Without understanding the importance of cybersecurity for businesses, that your means of livelihood might be vulnerable at the moment. How long would you want to leave it in that vulnerable state? 


As technology continues to advance, cybercriminals are also advancing their game. To an average business owner, different forms of hard-to-understand, complex cyber threats abound in today's world. 


Based on some of the recent cybersecurity statistics, ransomware alone had grown by 435%. 


From health to finance, retail, transportation, and technology, a lot of network security vulnerabilities pose a great threat to the sustainability and profitability of a business in different industries. 


Here are some of the reasons why business owners need robust cybersecurity services  more than ever before. Without waiting for attacks to happen before you begin to look for cybersecurity services, you can take some proactive actions to protect your business. 


Why Cyber ​​Security Services Are Important To Businesses

Ignoring the security of your business is a choice. Maybe you don't want to spend unnecessary money on non-essentials. Unfortunately, when you ignore some known and unknown vulnerabilities, you may end up paying a high price for preventable losses. 

Why then, should you care to take proactive steps to protect your business with  digital forensics  and other  cybersecurity services Stamford


# 1: Your Network Connections and Software Need Constant Updates 

Software products and network protocols do become outdated from time to time. Given this fact, in today's digital world, cybercriminals are constantly phishing for loopholes to launch different forms of attacks. Assuming you are not a cybersecurity expert  or an IT professional, it may be hard for you to detect some outdated systems that may leave your business vulnerable to unexpected attacks. 


You may consider this a reason to update and upgrade the technological systems on which your business depends for ongoing operations. This is one of the areas where managed IT service firms can help your business for sustainability. 


# 2: Your Reputation Needs Tight Protection 

One surprising thing about cyber attacks is that they may not be launched directly at your business. Instead, modern-day cybercriminals may hack into your system to steal customer information. When this happens, they use such information to commit all sorts of cybercrimes you may not know. If you are not aware, a simple data breach can cause your company to start losing customers.


The question is this - will you sit and wait for such things to happen before you can begin to run around for quick and overpriced disaster recovery services ? You probably know the answer. 


# 3: You Can Lose Real Money 

Should you search for 'how businesses are losing money to cybercriminals, it wouldn't take long researches to find an Amazing number of stories and examples. In case you think that this happens to big companies only, pause and think again. Small businesses are also losing money in this case. Some of the ways a business can lose money include -

  • Financial data loss
  • Reputational damage 
  • Operational disruption 
  • Stealing of intellectual property 
  • Unexpected data recovery fees 



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